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Xie Haiyang seems to be enthusiastic, but there is sourness in his heart.

Approaching him is like approaching a furnace. Even in Wang Baole s feelings, this poor speaking Senior Brother, regardless of his cultivation level Still fighting strength, it seems to be much higher than Eleven Senior Sister.

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It s not counted just now. I didn t see it clearly. Do it again. As soon as he spoke, his right hand fell again in an instant, and the Book of Destiny trembled suddenly, showing strong struggle and resistance, and seemed unwilling to let Wang Baole touch him again.

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It seems that the Book of Destiny is going crazy, so soon, Wang Baole Before his eyes, a series of future pictures emerged

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In fact, he encountered this kind of treatment for the first time, and his heart was very comfortable, but his brows were still slightly frowned on the surface, and he took a deep look at Xie Haiyang.

Gradually, as the pages turn upside down, until the last eleventh page is lifted, when he wants to turn it over, Wang Baole s body shook suddenly, and his consciousness began to sink.

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Chuckled. Wang Baole had a headache, just about to speak, but at this moment

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