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Money is doing things, but you are the only one doing it now, not your wife. Hearing this, the farmer and his wife panicked, and the farmer quickly said, I m sorry, Second Young Master, this is my own decision.

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It s not a good idea to hide it like this. Shi Xiaonian looked at Gong Ou s back, and his coat was hit hard with a mark. She knew that she didn t confess everything to Gong Ou right away, and Gong Ou was angry with her.

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And to be his son, you will only be forced into a corner. Miyao said, his voice became cold, In his eyes, our sons are just tools, tools to inherit his remaining power. Shi Xiaonian looked at him, his eyes moved slightly, Gong Ou, you still blame him, don t you Even though Gong Jue has passed away.

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I can study for you for a few years and maybe achieve some success, but it s impossible for this child to wait until a few years later Still for her. He couldn t bear to let her suffer even a little bit. Shi Xiaonian looked at him without saying anything.

She is still adapting to the identity of Sheng Jianian s wife. She needs to be treated as a divorcee immediately.

Just stop here. Chen Feiyan said, she was in a hurry to go to the bathroom. Jiang Xi said, It s too much trouble to park here. Let s park over there.

This is how she treats the elderly. Look at your good daughter. Mom, Jiang Xi didn t say anything. The child is doing something, so don t disturb her.

Shi Xiaonian took Gong Ou s arm and walked out. A waiter immediately bowed to them and welcomed them in. No one here recognized them, and no one greeted them fawningly and complimented Gong Ou. Compared with the previous dances I attended, this dance was simply too clear. In this way, no one will come to disturb them, she will not be pushed aside, and Gong Ou will not have to be angry.

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I m sorry. I was wrong. I didn t do this properly. I will definitely not do this in the future.

Go to sleep, have a good sleep, we will talk about everything in the morning.

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There will be many children at the festival, what status will you have in the Sheng family Wen Lishan s smile faded, and Jiang Xi sat still.

Jiang Xi is not that kind of person. Jiang s father said. He understood what Jiang s mother was worried about. He was missing one leg, and the other leg was a prosthetic.

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Jiang Mu said. Jiang Xi looked at his mother Where did I think of this before marriage Before marriage, I thought that I was not here for his money, so we tried our best to buy a house ourselves.

In the cab, Gong Ou opened the console and the lights came on on the table. Luo Lie walked to the door, looked at his figure, frowned slightly, and said, Are you really going Get off the boat Gong Ou said coldly, turning his face slightly, the coldness in his eyes could not be more obvious Do you think the matter will be resolved if you kneel down and apologize Luo Lie asked.

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Let s go. Gong Ou hugged Shi Xiaonian and stood up, walked up the stone stairs, opened the secret compartment, and Feng De stood there with a bunch of bodyguards. Feng De was dressed as a butler, with short snow white hair and a good complexion.

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He wasn t angry either, he simply laughed twice and then sat back. Feiyan Chen got up and left after finishing her meal, and went to the front desk to pay for her order.

I drink hot water in summer. Because Sheng Jianian couldn t drink cold water, I went with him.

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Although the young madam will definitely know about this matter sooner or later, it is not appropriate to know now.

Shi Xiaonian wondered if she would turn into a colorful face. Does it have to be like this Shi Xiaonian couldn t help but ask, and the makeup artist quickly said carefully, Our manager wants to change your temperament from all aspects, so we will give you a look that is most unlike yourself.

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Miyao s original room had not been cleaned for almost seven years, and only now did this hairpin fall out. As soon as she finished speaking, Gong Ou jumped up from the bed and stood in front of her, staring at her with a pair of eyes, What did you say You said this hairpin is yours.

It is obvious that the eldest niece is here, and the second child s family will suddenly appear at a certain time.

Jiang Xi stood at the door with a cool tone. Jiang Tiantian can t come in today.

We went to the UK for so long, but we didn t register Gong Ou felt that he had done something particularly stupid. Uh, no. Shi Xiaonian looked at him, Have you forgotten too I thought we had registered Gong Ou glanced at her, In my mind, you are my woman, there is no need to run away.

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If you are hungry or want to eat, just tell me and I will get them for you. Chen Feiyan kept talking.

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But I don t need compensation from him at all. Shi Xiaonian was here Sitting down by the window, he could still see the boat on the lake when he turned his head. He didn t know where Luo Lie was talking with Gong Ou again. He needs compensation.

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Tang Yi stunned you and forced herself on you, and you even told her to kill her while she was half conscious. Gong Ou squatted there. his face turned completely dark, Remove the word for me, and the words in front of it too Oh.

You know that I was in the intensive care unit for the sake of giving birth to your child.

You said you were lying next to me like a dead person, so why did you attract me Gong Ou chuckled, Shi Xiaonian said, her small face was illuminated by the light, That s because of the effect of the medicine, right But I still remember that I became very resistant before the effects of the medicine wore off.

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Didn t he explain this matter When he took Jiang s father out of the hospital more than a year ago, didn t he put his life on the line Explain these things well, I didn t think carefully about this matter, but you have discovered it a long time ago, so you should tell me as soon as possible.

Your elder brother and sister in law can also teach you more. No If you say anything else, at least you will have more opportunities than we did in the future.

After the banquet, Mrs. Chen pulled Chen Feiyan to go sit at home. Feiyan saw people coming and going, so she couldn t put it off. and also wanted to know how Chen Yongdao s condition was, so they said they would go home.

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Wen, you just left ten years ago. Now, many years later, you have brought back this child, saying that he is a bloodline of our Sheng family.

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The eldest wife was almost asleep when the second wife suddenly asked Did you ask Jiang to come Jiang Lai should be here too.

Did you find it in my room Gong Ou squeezed the red hairpin in his hand tightly, and a small cluster of red fluff fell down. I m also quite surprised why this hairpin appeared there, but I believe everything can be explained I knew it was you that night Gong Ou yelled, interrupting her Shi Xiaonian subconsciously covered her ears, almost going deaf.

She was very worried when she heard that Jiang Xi was already on her way to the company.

Don t turn around Answer Gong Ou shouted domineeringly. It s okay if I don t help pack my luggage, but this problem actually occurs. Shi Xiaonian stood up from the ground, turned her back to Gong Ou and replied, Double eyelids, thin lips, ears close to the inside, okay Can she forget whether he has double eyelids or single eyelids Then how long are my legs Gong Ou asked again.

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It was as if he had been waiting for her. Same for a long time. Shi Xiaonian stood there, stretched out his hand to pull up the sweater on Gong Ou s body, looked at Luo Lie and gritted his teeth and said, You bully me too much.

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By then, you ll be too late. Jiang Xi nodded hurriedly Yes, yes, you are right.

Miss Xi lost weight all the way after giving birth, and in the end she was no longer able to breastfeed her child normally and could only recuperate. Shi Xiaonian stood there There, I listened blankly to the doctor s voice.

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Our Vision

Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities and food security for all.

Our Mission

Promote, support and coordinate rural development and agrarian reform interventions to reduce poverty and underdevelopment through job creation, integrated food security programmes, and equitable participation in development by all rural communities.

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