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Listening to Xie Haiyang s introduction, Wang Baole felt that he was an eye opener.

This is the first sentence that Chen Yang has said since the first murder.

Bow deeply. The Master of Heaven had complicated eyes. Looking at Wang Baole, he seemed to see a little white deer cautiously coming from outside the courtyard.

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After all, my background is bigger than before. The most important thing is

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He was about to summon Xie Haiyang to come in, but his mind came to his mind.

Own, or maybe that wishing bottle. But this is a bit illogical.

We are very disadvantaged here and need to leave immediately Want to leave Almost At the moment when Xie Haiyang s words came out, the young man in the golden robe who appeared in the formation showed a sense of hostility in his eyes, his body shook suddenly, turned into a long rainbow, roared into the sky, and came straight to Fang City.

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