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Fang Zheng s face was full of panic. His expression was one third scared and one third anxious. With tears in his eyes, he said in a crying voice Help Brothers, this is Mr. Wu, the captain of the school. He is the brother in law of our General Zhao Hu and Zhao. General Zhao ordered him to go out of the city to bring General Zhao s wife and child into the city.

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You have practiced kung fu. Don t say you can t withstand these beatings Chang Ping went out. Afterwards, Fang Zheng stood up and poured himself a cup of tea, then sat on the chair with his legs crossed, smiling as he watched Xiao Huaiyuan rolling on the ground and screaming.

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For him, the most important thing is how to find the murderer. As for what to do after he is found, he has not thought about it carefully. Liu Shilang frowned when he heard this and said This Liu has never thought that Liu s move will definitely offend the civil and military officials of the court.

If you are a little richer, I m afraid the house has been burned down by now Fang Zheng shook his head and left with great regret Xiao Huaiyuan wiped his sweat and was very happy. It seems that there are advantages to being poor. After Xiao Huaiyuan At the door of the house, Fang Zheng went straight to the west of the city with a solemn expression, found Wen Sen, and sent out all the shadow subordinates who were resting, and then returned to the house with peace of mind.

Fang Zheng looked at her hands curiously and found that there was nothing in her hands. It was strange, where was her weapon hidden Missed a single hit and retreated completely. The female bandit leader clapped her hands seemingly casually, but she had an extremely charming smile on her face. Fang Zheng couldn t help but tremble in his heart. This little girl is not a good girl.

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It s finally here. After receiving the notice, Qin Lieyi suddenly opened his eyes from practicing. He had known that the people from Baisha Mansion would come, and after waiting for so long, this day finally came.

Why are you afraid of the White Shark Mansion Ye Tian chuckled, Think about it, if there is really a formal appointment document, then why does the old crab have to wait That is, if he comes directly empty handed, saying that he has been raped by the White Shark Do you believe the new Yin Yang Hall Master appointed by the government Qin Lieyi figured out the link and understood it immediately.

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Soon, Chang Ping s face was covered with tears. Yanran stretched out her slender hands, hugged Changping, and whispered in her ear Sister, don t feel aggrieved. In fact, my husband has had feelings for you since then. Otherwise, with his temper, if he doesn t If he loves you, even if the emperor holds a knife to his neck, he will never agree to marry you Chang Ping smiled, then snorted again, wrinkled his cute little nose and said, It s rare.

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Are you stupid if you don t do such a good thing Now everyone has been recruited, and everyone is eagerly waiting for the instructor. Where can I find an instructor for them Fang Zheng sighed heavily. He had just been relaxing for a few days, but something happened again.

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She is still in the boudoir. I have the courage to ask for this marriage from the emperor on behalf of the dog Pan Tao. I beg the emperor for a favor I am very grateful Wait a minute There was a loud roar in the hall.

Isn t it enough to interrogate Your Majesty, if you hand Liu Changsheng over to Wei Chen s newly trained shadow subordinate, the results of the trial will be known within three days The emperor sneered and said You can t interrogate anymore.

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Ye Tian couldn t help but cursed. It was true that he had received various benefits, but for this he suffered more pain than anyone else.

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Xie Yang s eyes were blazing, and he seemed to have seen the scene where he got the lightning halberd.

Don t leave the city at that time, you don t even know if they will have the honor of going to the funeral. General, you have been hit by many arrows, can you still hold on A Forbidden Army soldier caught up with him on horseback and shouted anxiously in Fang Zheng s ear.

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Fire suit. He has already used gloves, bayonets and boomerangs, and he has used them well. In battles, they can often achieve surprising results, but Ye Tian feels that he is not always so smooth when fighting.

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The emperor is extremely wise, even if he treats you with all kinds of favors, I am afraid he will not tolerate you. Wu Qian sneered. Hey, this old boy blocked the emperor s mouth with words first. Hey, he has a much higher IQ than Jiang Zhongcheng. Fang Zheng sneered and said Master Wu, since you are telling me about the court laws, then I will talk to you carefully. There is an article in our Hua Dynasty laws that cases involving court officials should be jointly tried by the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, after investigating the case clearly, it d pills sexual will be submitted directly to d pills sexual the emperor for inspection.

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She wanted money so desperately, if she agreed, Fang Zheng decided to fire the killer brother Female The bandit leader glared at him fiercely, but before he could say anything, the bandits behind him rushed forward with a roar, shouting and cursing, raised their weapons, and in three or two strokes, they killed the dying Sun who was lying on the ground.

Ha Ye Tian sneered, and then said Haoyue Sect From today on, the Haoyue Sect no longer exists in the world.

You all live here Fang Zheng couldn t believe it. These are the emperor s eyes and ears throughout the world. How important is their role How could it be possible Let them live in a place like this like a bunch of beggars Wen Sen smiled and said It s more convenient here, and it s quite cheap to buy this house, and it s not easy to be noticed when entering and leaving Did the emperor allocate very little funds This old man is quite stingy.

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this person is too arrogant The faces of King Tai and Fatty turned livid. Chen Chong Do you know what you are talking about The King of Thailand said in a bad tone. Fang Zheng was his new friend, and they had a good impression of each other, but his subordinates did not give him a good look, which made him feel very embarrassed. Chen Chong always acted arrogant and unruly in the mansion on weekdays.

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At least he had understood that using money to hit beauties lying down and seducing beauties with tricks, There is a big difference between the two. Miss, I see you, Hongluan Xingtong, will definitely get married within this year.

The prince was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said I am so addicted to the sound of pipa that I can t help myself. I am neglecting General Qin. Please invite him in quickly. Fan Rui responded respectfully, turned around and walked out, and then led a young general in his thirties.

It was not like buying chickens at the vegetable market. If one flew away, he could buy another one. Xiao Wu said that these wild geese were still the same. I asked someone to buy it from Hangzhou. If it flies, I can be sure that there will never be another one in a short time. Quick Grab it Don t let it get away Fang Zheng didn t say anything, and quickly rushed out of the front hall, chasing and ordering the servants who were busy in the mansion.

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Promote, support and coordinate rural development and agrarian reform interventions to reduce poverty and underdevelopment through job creation, integrated food security programmes, and equitable participation in development by all rural communities.

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