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You know that he has always been supportive. A stingy person, a person who cares about me even though I have my own faults Chang Ping s eyes became even more angry. Fang Zheng He immediately lowered his head and came to the conclusion wisely In short, I was wrong I m still young, just forgive me As he spoke, he drew circles on the ground with one foot, his eyes drooped, and he looked aggrieved.

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This old guy is about to be stabbed. There are a lot of things going on, which will delay my young master s fortune Tianlao was still confused. Fang Zheng couldn t help but feel a lot of emotion when he revisited his old place with the strong smell of yin.

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Time is also fate, what can I say Teacher, it s a good journey. Sighing, the prince gave a respectful student salute to Pan Shangshu, then turned and walked out of the cell. The big lock in the cell was locked again. Pan Shangshu sat on the bed in shock, staring straight at the cell door, muttering Lost, lost It turns out that I was destined to lose from the beginning After a long time, Pan Shangshu laughed again, laughing so hard, as if he had never encountered such a funny thing in his life, it is indeed a skill that outshines others.

When Ye Tian saw their little actions, he just sneered in his heart. These guys really overestimated their capabilities. He had already asked Xiao Bei to explore the high grade spiritual weapon borrowed by Sea Ghost.

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He is in a good mood now. After Changping made a big fuss in Pan s house today, it is estimated that Pan Shangshu has given up on asking the emperor to marry him. Pan Shangshu has played a disgraceful role in this farce from the beginning.

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The smell of gunpowder in the air was so strong that with just an insignificant spark, the entire front hall would explode. Fang Zheng was shaking all over, his face was pale, and the undershirt on his back was soaked with sweat.

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After waving their hands, the soldiers gathered around Pan Shangshu. You, you dare to do the following You dare to rebel against me You, okay I won t let you get what you want Pan Shangshu went completely crazy, got up and walked behind the dragon chair, and moved a jar out of nowhere The tung oil used for lighting the fire was raised above his head, and the thick black tung oil suddenly poured all over his body.

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Brother Fang, we should hurry up Yes So we have to hurry up and hurry up. Unlock this lock, Fatty. Your reminders are always so timely. In terms of foresight, you are much better than me Fang Zheng interrupted Fatty s words with great interest.

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Don t worry, let s try and see if we can refine the golden elixir from this ghost eel. Ye Tian did not immediately go into seclusion to practice the soul art.

It s easy to say that I will be Brother Fang s friend next week. Xiao Huaiyuan hurriedly handed over his hand It s a pleasure to meet you. I m Xiao Yuan, and I m also a friend of Brother Fang. Fang Zheng sighed, taking a look at the scheming of these two people, and followed I am like an old fox who has lived for tens or hundreds of years.

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Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities and food security for all.

Our Mission

Promote, support and coordinate rural development and agrarian reform interventions to reduce poverty and underdevelopment through job creation, integrated food security programmes, and equitable participation in development by all rural communities.

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