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At this time, only the service staff, the president, and Xu Qiunian were left in the entire conference room. The others had washed up and left. You should also step down. The president said to the service staff. The bodyguards present turned and left the conference room.

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Su Yuxin raised her head and looked at Ye Xue, her voice was a bit cold, Have you ever thought about why your brother helped you so recklessly Is it because he wanted to see you like this I think if you believe your brother, You should give him some time, and you also know that your brother Ye Tian is not an ordinary person at all.

Taking them would not only fail to cure the poison in his body, but would in fact cause him new pain. Therefore, Liu Tianyu took these drugs to the research institute for drug sample analysis, hoping to solve this problem as soon as possible. During this period, Liu Tianyu vomited black blood several times due to the toxins in his body. An older person who had been engaged in research for a long time could not help but shake his head, as if he was helpless about this best l glutamine supplement for weight loss matter, Zongzhu Liu, we have done everything we should do, what a pity What a pity best weight loss in canada Liu Tianyu spent a lot of money, and also waited for so many days.

Song Baibai was silent for two seconds, then pointed at Chen Shou and said, If you keep beating this guy, he will get better. Why can t you get better This is quite interesting. Partly hating that iron could not become steel, Song Ziyu lowered his head in shame.

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Sect Master, why didn t you let me take action just now That boy named Ye is so arrogant. Lei Hu felt a little sorry for Liu Tianyu. When Liu Tianyu heard this, he glanced sideways at Lei Hu, and then quickly withdrew his eyes, his eyes darkened and narrowed into a thin line, filled with a cold light, This kid is not a fuel efficient lamp.

What kind of bullshit family would allow the women in their family to become tools of prosperity and wealth Song Ziyu paced back and forth in the room, finally looked at Gao Zhongping and said, No, I have to go to Suzhou What do you want Gao Zhongping had a look of anticipation on his face.

Hearing this, Song Ziyu s eyes widened Why, the Bounty Hunters Association is still doing this kind of business Wu Yumei said with a smile Our association s subordinate industries are not only engaged in the brothel business, but also in foreign trade, tobacco, smuggling and other businesses There is no way, there are too many brothers under the association It s not easy for anyone to make ends meet these days.

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The Shangguan family has reached such a stage, and you still refuse to help. Shangguan Qiufeng s expression was serious and his tone was slightly cold. Shangguan Feiyan didn t say anything and continued walking without paying much attention to the other party. Shangguan Qiufeng went crazy and wanted to rush forward and give the opponent a few hard blows.

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The social system will liberate mankind from the devil s prison The new world will use its power to recover and move towards liberating the old world. What is language Language is not a thing. When you talk nonsense, language is fart. But when speaking the truth, words can also be used to throw spears and daggers. Song Ziyu s declaration is undoubtedly extremely lethal What Establish a government to liberate mankind on the land of Miluo City State Want to establish a People s Resistance Army We call on everyone to take up arms to overthrow the rule of zombies and bloodline families And everyone in Xuancheng is born free To Song Ziyu, these words were commonplace, but to the slaves they sounded like morning bells and evening drums, which shocked them extremely.

Boy, wait I ll make you cry and beg me After saying that, Pang Kaijiang left angrily. The two sides completely fell out Negotiations broke down Without any nonsense, both sides directly dispatched their troops and generals to start the war. But as seen before, the third division was able to chip out Pang Kaijiang s teeth, and the strength displayed by Song Ziyu s Longshan soldiers plus the third division was super doubled. In the face of super doubling, what can Pang Kaijiang get Of course I got lonely.

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This undoubtedly stimulated Chen Shou The president of the Bounty Hunter Association was like a mad tiger at this time, trying every means to capture Song Baibai. This is not just about Chen Shou s dignity It was even more because because Chen Shou saw the path to promotion in Song Baibai.

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This girl is also a seed of infatuation. This makes Dong Weixuan appear to be in a similar situation to her own. The difference between herself and her is that she has strength but she doesn t, so she can only ask for help everywhere. Unconsciously, Song Ziyu made up his mind. Help this girl Let her marry Huang Yu As long as she marries Huang Yu, Xu Yingnan will definitely not be able to marry Huang Yu. In this way, he will not only help her, but also help himself Miss Dong, let me ask you, how is your relationship with your brother monthly weight loss injection Huang Song Ziyu asked.

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Boy, did you come here to die Fuhu, who was manipulating Black Banner to crazily destroy the bloody space in an attempt to break out of the cage, seemed to have found the target of his vent in an instant, and directly Roared towards Song Ziyu. It s a pity that Song Ziyu couldn t hear what the old zombie Fuhu was saying at this time But seeing this guy, Song Ziyu s anger started to rise.

It s a flood The sudden flood submerged the village without warning, and the process happened almost instantly Only by completing the submergence in an instant can this site and this bowl of noodles be preserved. So, where did the flood come from Flood comes from mythology. In the old father son battle between Gonggong and Zhu Rong, Gonggong raged against Mount Buzhou, causing the earth in Kyushu to collapse.

We, the Northern Steel Alliance, are bound to win the Boundary River Dam. Pang Kaijiang said. Want it Okay, come and get it based on your ability. Song Ziyu stood up and left. Pang Kaijiang said With my current strength, I can t beat you, but don t forget, behind me is the Northern Steel Alliance. You will have a steady stream of trouble. Hearing this, Song Ziyu looked at Pang Kaijiang.

Su Yuxin is a girl from the Su family. Although the Su family is also engaged in business, but compared to our Murong family, to be honest, it s still a little behind. Ye Tian, I know you are very good, but our Beibei is not bad either. Beibei. You know Bei s ability. With her helping you in the future, you will definitely be even more powerful. Also, putting this aside, let s talk about the cooperation between our Murong family and you.

It is impossible for such a precise and interlocking move to eat oneself to death as a normal phenomenon. Zhou Shicheng knew that his defeat was certain. If he continued to stay here, he might not even have a chance to survive Moreover, all the food and fodder in the logistics were burned to the ground, and the soldiers and horses of the four towns gathered here were about Foods That Make U Lose Weight Fast are there any good weight loss supplements to be cut off.

The development and trend of this incident completely destroyed Xu Qiunian s self esteem and self confidence, which also caused Xu Qiunian to stay behind closed doors for half a month. Others can ignore Xu Qiunian, but Song Ziyu cannot. If he wants to take Xu Yingnan away, he still has to inform Xu Qiunian again, otherwise this is against the rules.

Oh, it hurts. Please let me go. Let me go. On the other end of the phone, Liu Ka shing s voice begging for mercy could be heard quite clearly. Judging from the sound, Liu Ka shing was suffering from a very painful torture. Such torture made Liu Ka shing miserable. When he thought about his younger brother being tortured, Liu Ka shing seemed particularly uneasy. Damn Liu Tianyu hung up the phone hard, his original rationality completely disappearing now.

Song Ziyu laughed even louder when he saw Gongsun Shouzhong s ugly appearance. At this time, more and more people gathered here, eager to eat and watch the excitement. Song Ziyu thought that this was the effect she was waiting for. In public, I just want to embarrass him. The more embarrassed he is, the lower his appeal will be, and the more he will appear in a state of social death.

To say that this matter has nothing to do with Ye Tian, I m really not sure. As the saying goes, flies don t bite seamless eggs. Since someone is keeping an eye on him, I believe that even if Ye Tian did not do this, it would at least have some involvement with Ye Tian.

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Qingquan, I m not saying anything unlucky. In my opinion, it s hard for Feiyan to listen to us anymore. Shangguan Qiufeng said, what supplements support weight loss his face stiffened. He did not say that he had gone to Shangguan Feiyan before, but Shangguan Qiufeng said Feiyan didn t give him any face.

I heard that you are going to lead the resistance army to liberate mankind, so the first big mountain you have to face is undoubtedly the one hundred thousand armored soldiers under the command of Dongxu and the formless corpse king behind them. The blood swallowing old zombie said It just so happens that, the Wuxiang Corpse King is also my mortal enemy, we have the same enemy Based on the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, I think we have a good basis for cooperation.

But unfortunately, he was not in the mood to taste the delicious food at the moment, and his thoughts were a little confused. He seemed very relaxed, as if nothing had happened. But in fact, he was confused. Ye Tian has really been in the limelight recently, which has seriously affected some of his future developments. In any case, as Liu Tianyu himself, he did not want to see Ye Tian become so powerful.

After all, many people outside the world know Ye Tian s ability, so under normal circumstances, Ye Tian is unlikely to have an accident. Ye Tian said a few words casually, not wanting to mention Leng Yao. But someone has already guessed her and is looking for her secretly. Who is attacking you secretly Is it Leng Yao Su Yuxin asked. Ye Tian was startled for a moment, then spoke vaguely, I don t know very well, but I know that the other party doesn t want to kill me.

After spending two days walking through the concrete roads paved in the wasteland, the army marched into the mountains and disappeared into the mountains. With the wind whistling in his ears, Hu Xin was running risking his life. The branches tore through his clothes and scratched his face. Fear was like wild grass, twisting and spreading in his heart. Even though he was faltering, Hu Xin still didn t dare to stop and could only run forward desperately.

Hey, then you mean that I have to be responsible for you Murong Fairy s bright eyes flickered a few times, and she smiled charmingly at Ye Tian. Ye Tian was silent. Beautiful Murong, you didn t come here to talk to me today, right What s going on with Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Group Don t worry, the progress of the project is pretty good for the time being.

among thousands of people. This may be the most powerful challenge Song Ziyu has ever encountered This is the first time that there are so many enemies. But Song Ziyu didn t have so much fear and pressure in his heart. After all, today is different from the past, and I am no longer the young man who was just starting out.

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This shows how much confidentiality was achieved. It wasn t until Song Ziyu showed up that he personally stated the intention of this battle The enemy has many informants in Jade easy weight loss diet free Elephant City. No matter how Dong Ziying arranges his troops to fight, he will be targeted and will definitely be targeted.

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The little girl looked curiously at the Peppa Pig pendant in Song Ziyu s hand, hesitating whether to take it or not. Eventually, curiosity won out over fear of strangers. The little Loli reached out and grabbed the keychain in Song Ziyu s hand, then turned around and ran away with the doll in her arms.

It s time to take sides This inclusive association came to the point of falling apart in an instant Let s talk about Xu Ying s husband s family. The Xu family comes from Suzhou, a territory of the Northern Iron and Steel Alliance. Before the ancestors of the Xu family joined the Bounty Hunters Association, they were just a little known family in Bijun County, without much sense of existence. The Xu family s fortune is inseparable from the Bounty Hunters Association.

After shaking hands with Ye Tian, Michiko took out the wet wipes and wiped her hands, then threw the wet wipes into the trash can nearby. Ye Tian discovered that this Michiko was really capable. She was the one who took the initiative to shake hands just now, but now she looked disgusted.

I need one right now for something. I wonder if this top grade Heavenly Spirit Stone is still on Phoenix Island, I am willing to exchange it for a treasure of equal value. Ye Tian asked. He planned to exchange it with the Soul Resurrection Pill or any treasure in the Purple Jade What Helps You Lose Weight Naturally Immortal Mansion.

The same is true for Shangguan family and Shangguan Feiyan. What Helps You Lose Weight Naturally In order to get some information and communicate with each other, Shangguan Feiyan met with Murong Beibei, Su Yuxin and others, and specially left numbers for each other to keep in touch. They agreed that as soon as they discovered Ye Tian, they would inform the others immediately to avoid being on guard.

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Okay, Old Snake, we won t disturb your Qing Xiu here, let s go first. Lin Xiu didn t plan to stay here, so he said hello and left with Ye Tian and Xiao Lan. The icy unicorn couldn t help but feel a little thirsty. He had never encountered the water snake before. At that time, if he hadn t escaped quickly, he would have become the water snake s belly.

When Liu Tianyu spoke, his words were calm, but in fact, he seemed to be beating Zhao Ya with his words Zhao Ya is a smart person. As soon as Liu Tianyu opened his mouth, she understood what he meant. Liu Tianyu is the head of the Yuntian Sect and the young master of the Liu family. He is quite good in terms of financial status and other connections.

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Don t take it too seriously. These are only temporary. When things happen within the family, you still have to come forward. No, I m not interested. Shangguan Feiyan refused directly. What are you doing Shangguan Qiu Feng was a little stunned. He didn t expect Shangguan Feiyan to have such a tough attitude.

Leng Yao, as a bystander, was watching at this time and couldn t help but be impressed by Ye Tian s extraordinary fighting ability. Surprised. At this moment, a sword light flew down. A strange figure suddenly appeared. In an instant, a young Japanese man dressed in samurai uniform appeared.

Now, the power in his body has accumulated to a terrifying level, and it can produce huge destructive power if it breaks out at any time. Congratulations, master. After getting along with Ye Tian these days, Bing Ling Unicorn is truly convinced of his master.

What do zombies start with Isn t this a waste of resources Song Ziyu smiled lightly. There were some things that he didn t even bother to tell outsiders. When the red star shines, mankind also has its glorious moment of humanity. This is an obsession with lofty ideals, which is not enough for outsiders The two of them were drunk, Zeng Ming was a little drunk, and his speech was a little incoherent.

You are so bad. It s already this time and you are still in the mood to think about this. Su Yuxin waved her pink fist lightly and pretended to hit Ye Tian s heart a few times. While the two were having fun, many people called again and again. Liu Guodong of the Dragon Group, Sun Aiguo of the Sun family, and some other people all called, hoping that the big thing would be reduced to a minor matter.

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However What Song Ziyu didn t expect was In addition to the large number simple weight loss meal plan of slaves who flocked to leave, a considerable number of slaves actually chose to stay They accepted the ideas conveyed by Song Ziyu Human beings are born free, and the rule of the privileged zombie class and privileged humans over the Miluo best l glutamine supplement for weight loss city state is the source of human disaster.

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This will not protect everyone. From time to time, in the land you rule, there are some vicious security incidents, or fights and beatings to death, or arson cases, kidnapping cases, murder cases, etc. and your reputation may not be good at that time. Song Ziyu said this clearly, and the implication is that if you do things according to my wishes, I will get rid of you.

That s right In this bloody world, Fuhu s spatial ability dissipated in the wind was offset by Xueyan s spatial ability, forcing Fuhu to fight in his own state. The black flags and spatial abilities it relied on had lost their effectiveness, and all they could do was fight with Song Ziyu.

Oh, this is not good I m going to be a mother, so I can t fight and kill at will. I promised to be my husband and raise my children. Xu Yingnan was a little shy. Song Ziyu smiled and said There s no need to think so much, just be happy. You re right. Hehe After dinner, the two took a walk around Longshan, and then returned to In the room, Song Ziyu weighed it up lishou blue diet pills and told Xu Yingnan about the supernatural incident he encountered today.

Some were just It is a mechanical gear combination group that is precisely arranged and densely arranged like a unified structure This is too scary Although Song Ziyu has already made some guesses, it is hard to believe that Song Baibai s true form is not actually human Just looking at the structure of the mouth, Song Ziyu guessed that Song Baibai was more likely best l glutamine supplement for weight loss Best And Fastest Way To Lose Weight to be a robot an advanced robot with such advanced technology that it horrified him.

I m a little better than you, I seem to have hit a wall of air. Oops What on earth is going on What kind of monster is this woman This seems to be a very advanced spatial magical power. The hunters exclaimed, their words filled with horror. Song Baibai immobilized all the hunters present, then reached out and took out the immobilized bullet in front of him, holding it in his hand and playing with it The ambush of the Bounty Hunter Association has actually become meaningless at this point.

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This is an unexpected surprise. Because in Song Ziyu s view, even without this agreement and these agreements, he would still disrupt the wedding. In order to protect Dong Weixuan, Song Ziyu arranged for ten Longshan soldiers to guard Dong Weixuan at all times and be responsible for Dong Weixuan s food and daily life.

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Shangguan Feiyan smiled and said, I m here to see Mr. Su. It s the same with me. Let s go. It s rare to meet you and have a meal together. Ye Tian took the initiative to invite. Okay, let s go. Shangguan Feiyan was more straightforward than before. She didn t refuse and left directly behind Ye Tian. The two of them had a few drinks, not in a hotel, of course, but in Shangguan Feiyan s private villa.

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You are all from the Liu family. Why did you work so hard for so long and get nothing, while Liu Tianyu got it effortlessly Have you ever thought about everything Mr. Ye, please help me first. Help me solve my illness. Liu Ka shing has been suffering these days. He doesn t think about anything now.

Who are you Ye Tian stared at the guy in front of him and found that when this guy appeared, he was accompanied by a wave of boiling air. This feeling is like a surging wave. Just from the aura of appearance, you can clearly feel the overwhelming aura of the other party.

Murong, the matter was brought out again. It was so noisy that few people didn t know about it. If Shangguan Group hadn t been thinking of ways to remedy the situation, I really don t know what would have happened. The Shangguan Group has a good foundation. If it weren t for this, it would have collapsed long ago. Ye Tian didn t want to comment on Shangguan Feihong s mysterious disappearance.

Song Ziyu smiled bitterly in his heart. After operating behind closed doors for so long, the young couple still didn t know what their motives were. They always thought that they were just trying to do a favor. To be honest, I have my own difficulties Song Ziyu decided not to hide it, and directly told what happened between him and Xu Yingnan.

Yes, you are too scary. You d better not ask more questions, you know some things It may not be a good thing. Ye Tian didn t want Su Yuxin to know too much about cultivation, although he had once thought about letting Su Yuxin and the others learn to practice and embark on a journey of cultivation.

He would ensure the smoothness of my trade routes in the wasteland, and I would transfer the trade routes to the wasteland. Give him a share of the profits. Now Brother Cong Yun is dead, but this business will continue, so what I need is the stability of the wasteland.

This guy kidnapped my sister, brother Xiaohao, our whole family is waiting for you to make the decision. Gongsun Wan er s brother seemed to have found a backbone, and the team barked in front of a young man. Song Ziyu looked at the man facing him. The man looks very average, with a flat nose and squinty eyes with single eyelids. When he doesn t open his eyelids, he thinks he is sleeping, but the deep set bags under his eyes and pale face show that he uses his kidneys excessively and is obviously a spendthrift.

Ye Tian had mixed feelings. On the one hand, he couldn t help but like Murong Beibei. After all, Murong Beibei was too perfect. No man would resist such a woman. On the other hand, Ye Tian was more afraid of Murong Beibei, fearing that Murong Beibei would cause him too much trouble. Among these women, Ye Tian was the most worried about Murong Beibei.

Song Ziyu, you took my first blood, you have to be responsible for me. Xu Yingnan wiped the tears from her face. Song Ziyu patted Xu Yingnan s buttocks and said, Yingnan, don t worry, I won t let you down Just wait for me here and I will rescue you as soon as possible.

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Commander Pang, don t let your subordinates touch you when you and I are chatting, otherwise we will ruin our relationship If I go crazy, all these people behind you will die. Song Ziyu looked at Pang Kaijiang coldly, which made Pang Kaijiang feel sad.

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Pang Kaijiang is right. As you said, many people will die. Song Ziyu said. You need to give me a step down so that I can at least go back and explain As long as I can do the job, you won t be in trouble, and of course I can get out of this matter. When Pang Kaijiang said this, his posture had already changed. Put it very low.

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His idea cannot be said to be bold, but without the support of the Tongtian Creation Sutra, it would be absolutely impossible to realize it. The subsequent progress was more difficult than Ye Tian imagined, as if there was some inexplicable force preventing him from continuing.

Many people are forced to kill, and they get used to it over time. The mental journey of these people is completely different from Gongsun Yu. Gongsun Yu had forgotten the specific time of his first murder, because he was still young at that time and his memory was still vague. How old were you when you committed your first murder Three years old Or four years old Or five.

It seems that Ye Tian is really afraid this time. It s no wonder that no matter how powerful he is, no matter how powerful he is, he still has to be afraid of guns. No matter how capable Ye Tian is, he can beat bullets by one bullet in minutes. Let Ye Tian die. look at this kid s face, he looks like a dead dog. Others were a little worried about Ye Tian, but who knew that Ye Tian would be so cowardly this time.

It felt very different. It s good. I don t feel anything is wrong. On the contrary, I feel that my body is getting better and better. Look at my skin, is it getting whiter and whiter As she said that, Su Yuxin inadvertently showed an indescribable expression.

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If they were all used up, he would have no social status. Thinking of this, Pang Kaijiang asked How do you want to bet Song Ziyu wrote a series of Arabic numerals on the table, and then asked Pang Kaijiang Do you know them Pang Kaijiang said These are the numbers from one to nine.

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This kind of change cannot be perceived as different from ordinary people in ordinary times, but now, in terms of psychic characteristics, Song Ziyu definitely has a unique advantage The confrontation continues Every collision with Black Flag is a communication and dialogue in the spiritual world.

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As long as you are willing to take action, I believe that the Yuntian Sect will definitely lose. As long as the Yuntian Sect is defeated, you will get everything they had before. General Song knew very well what Ye Tian said. Over the years, he has been thinking about this matter. But there are some cymbalta diet pills things that are okay to think about, but if you really want to take action, it is still very difficult.

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Ye Tian saw that she had a good foundation, so he simply refined a pill for her to help her practice and break through to the golden pill. Then he arranged for Ye s father to practice. After completing a busy circle, Ye Tian could finally start his own practice.

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It was really unexpected that things would get so bad. The current situation is good for Ye Tian alone, but for others, it is simply terrible. Liu Tianyu was confused and fell into Ye Tian s hands. He didn t know what to do. I should ask you what I think. What are your plans Ye Tian looked at Liu Tianyu and sneered several times, as if he had heard a particularly funny joke. Ye Tian, it s too late for you to leave now. You have made our Yuntian diet pills speed based Sect so embarrassed, and I think you should know the consequences.

The zombie s face is pale and skinless, and the body fluids seeping out of the tight muscles on the face can be felt through the photo. Song Ziyu can still recognize this zombie even if it turns into ashes Because it was this zombie that had tortured him enough in Miluo City.

powerful. But there are many unexpected elements in a real fight, and humans are generally good at creating surprises After the exchange with Ao Shan, Song Ziyu did not kill this guy immediately, because in Song Ziyu s view, this dude from the golden blood family was still of great use.

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This made Zhu Bo feel very shameless. Asshole, don t think I don t hit women Before Zhu Bo finished speaking, Song Baibai suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhu Bo. The catch was as fast as lightning. A master as powerful as Zhu Bo had no chance to react.

He was the only one there. Liu Guodong frowned, feeling that Ye Tian must have something to ask for. Liu Guodong had met a lot of people, but he didn t know anything about Ye Tian. He didn t know what kind of person Ye Tian was, and felt that he was a bit unpredictable. Liu Guodong thought for a long time, but he couldn t figure out why Ye Tian asked him to come.

Dad, mother, this matter must be investigated. I was chased all the way. When I was overcoming the tribulation, I was already at the end of my strength, and my skills were less than 20. Thanks to Brother Ye Tian s Soul Resurrection Pill, most of me recovered in an instant. My skills, and then continued to provide me with strength, which allowed my son to successfully pass the heaven level, otherwise you would not be able to see me.

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