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This is not a good habit. Obedient, let s take a shower and go to bed early.

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Gong Ou said. Don t you know who it is Shi Xiaonian asked. I probably know. Gong Ou curled his lips proudly. Then you didn t just go find that person Why did you go to the island Shi Xiaonian asked blankly, and Gong Ou chuckled, First, I brought you here for your honeymoon Second Second, I just like not following the rules, I make that person anxious to death Shi Xiaonian looked at Gong Ou s evil appearance and thought to herself, who is so overestimating his ability to use his brain to Gong Ou It was like being played against her head.

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She almost got married. Fortunately, we came to Yundu first to take a look at this place.

If you insist on raising children, there must be an explanation to the outside world.

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I won t be a coward anymore. I will take you as far as you want. Brother, please wake up. I am Shi Xiaonian. I m not Xi Yu. Shi Xiaonian was hugged tightly by him. She struggled desperately but was hugged tighter and tighter by Gong Yu.

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I can also communicate with the Jiang family. Sheng Jianian glanced sideways and looked at Jiang Xi I will accompany you and communicate with the elderly that many principles are not applicable.

Whoever wants to marry her will have a restless house, a lot of chaos, and no peace.

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There are also better opportunities. Maybe our whole family has moved to the city to live because of you.

What do you know Why did you fake your death and escape in the first place Wasn t it just to live the life you wanted Did you live it Gong Ou shouted at him, Do you know where you failed You hate the life of a noble, but you are tainted by the rules and principles, making you unable to advance cbd gummies elm grove wv or retreat, hesitant and indecisive.

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If you hadn t said it, how would she know whether we were intimate or not She also said this, Sheng Jianian asked, but her tone was obviously not surprising at all.

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Kneel down too Guard Chief Ikra glared at Gong Ou and said, the bright knife in his hand almost stabbed Gong Ou, Feng De quickly blocked Gong Ou. Gong Ou s expression was extremely ugly, his black eyes stared at the man gloomily, and finally he held Shi Xiaonian s hand tightly and knelt down behind Bergler.

It s a pattern. Today s young people, let s not say whether they all work in TV, today s young couples all play their own things and don t care about each other.

He raised his eyes and looked at Gong Ou, breathing a little laboriously and said, I can do it, young master. Su Yaoyao said blankly. Looking at them, their faces were full of sadness. As Bergler s cbd oil benefits stress and anxiety throw into the sea sounded, Gong Ou roared, Fight Gong Ou and Feng De rushed to the guard almost at the same time, grabbed the sharp weapon from a guard and started fighting. In the rays of light, a line of blood instantly turned the sky red like splashed ink Everyone was shocked and stepped back.

Jiang Xi sighed Yes, it s just like this. Don t you think it s incredible I think it s incredible too, but that s the truth.

On the other side, Zhao Xueling saw the news in the group, but although she was still in Yundu, her current situation and situation were a bit embarrassing, so she didn t want to go to a dinner party.

Gong Ou followed, and the police followed him as if they were accompanying the rich man to fool around. Gong Yao rushed into the elevator, jumped up and pressed the button for the fifth floor. Go to the 5th floor Gong Ou immediately walked to another elevator. When he came out of the elevator, Gong Yao had already quickly ran to squat behind a potted plant.

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She shook her head and said, The person who led us to the island must not be a bad person, right Hearing this, Gong Ou stretched out his hand and pinched her chin, with a handsome face. It says full of pride, Why is my woman so smart Tell me how you guessed it.

Then why did she suddenly appear in front of you Why did she go to my workplace to provoke me in front of my face Why did she go to the villa again None of this can happen to two men and women who have cut off their relationship.

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I won t listen. The renters were two young ladies, one with the surname Zhang and the other with the surname Zhang.

Wen Lishan left quite simply and left without staying too long. Sheng Jianian looked at the coffee on the table, fascinated.

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What did he arrange I ll know if you just follow me. Feng De followed and sat on the passenger seat, immediately Instructing the driver to drive, Shi Xiaonian looked at him puzzled and frowned. Was it arranged by Gong Ou He has been really mysterious these days, even if he didn t tell her what Tang Yi said, he cbd gummies elm grove wv also secretly made and answered calls behind her back.

I believe that if the Sheng family comes forward to send the child there, any organization will give him preferential treatment.

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Aren t you afraid that Gong Ou will go berserk You are so smart that I almost want to kick down the door and take you to bed right now Gong Ou said proudly, as if Shi Xiaonian had answered so many amazing questions Shi Xiaonian didn t want to chat with him anymore.

She sat on the bed, and Gong Ou sat on the edge of the bed, placing an old and yellowed book on her lap, feeding her and reading at the same time. Shi Xiaonian swallowed a shrimp and said, You are fighting with your brother now.

Palace Who said we are here to find Mr. Palace I m just here to take you on your honeymoon. Gong Ou approached her, His forehead was in the same position as hers, and his black eyes were staring at her deeply Shi Xiaonian looked at him blankly, completely confused as to what Gong Ou was thinking.

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He has been very sensible since he was very young. Unlike his older brothers and sisters, I have four children.

Jiang Xi nodded and sighed softly. Sheng Jianian subconsciously held her hand tightly, I m sorry, I made you feel uncomfortable again.

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Yes. Shi Xiaonian nodded with a smile, placed the knife and fork, and said, If there hadn t been The feudal system on the island, they will definitely be able to go through these years together. The landlady sighed with emotion and said, At that time, I thought they were so good, but I didn t expect that girl to become a goddess.

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Gong Ou coughed lightly, endured the pain and said, opened his hands towards her and said, Why don t you hug me so it won t hurt Shi Xiaonian looked at him speechlessly, and finally said He slowly lowered his body and stretched out his hands to wrap around Gong Ou without putting his weight on him.

The old lady felt extremely distressed and hurriedly patted Wen Qinyan. Don t cry, don t cry.

ah Come. The person was sat down at the gambling table by Gong Ou. Gong Ou walked to sit opposite her and crossed his legs, What can you play I don t know how to play anything. Shi Xiaonian said. As soon as he finished speaking, the waiter on the side said to Shi Xiaonian, How about I introduce you to the simplest way to play.

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Hmph Gong Ou snorted coldly. What are you humming What are you in a hurry for Gong Ou said coldly, standing there to clean up, giving her a fierce look with his dark eyes, I haven t agreed yet, wait until I read the book before I decide If he He feels that the care may not be good, so he still can t have this child.

He must have been sitting there all night, and he was already numb. As soon as he stood up, he fell down. Seeing this, Shi Xiaonian hurriedly stretched out her hand to support him. She almost fell down as well. The two of them managed to stand firm on the stairs. Feng De let go of her hand, It s okay, it s okay. I can do it. I can do it. Yes.

If it weren t for me, it would be Tang Yi lying here. Who said I lied to you Gong Ou also sat up, staring at her with his black eyes. Aren t you lying to me Shi Xiaonian pulled on the clothes on her body, and he acted out a reenactment of the situation.

Wen Lisan showed up, obviously to stir up trouble. Although Sheng Jianian currently doesn t know what Wen Lishan s plans are, she is still on tenterhooks every day.

Fu Youcheng said in a stiff tone. Jiang Tiantian stamped her feet Little brother, get out of my way.

Shi Xiaonian couldn t hear clearly what Gong Kui was saying. She stepped forward and picked up Bob and walked towards the hospital building. She frowned and said, Follow me. Let s go find the doctor first. Shi Xiaonian hugged Bob and hurriedly went there. As she walked forward, she suddenly felt something strange, as if someone was staring at her.

The waiter said again So I would like to thank Sister Xi for taking care of the store.

It s time to change clothes again. This feels really amazing. Shi Xiaonian said. Last time she was a female college student and Gong Ou was a university professor. This time, I don t know what they will become. Gong Ou s brows furrowed.

Jiang Lai was also worried that Wen Lishan would do something outrageous, so while rushing to Lushan Villa, he called me and asked me what to do.

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Sheng Jianian s face instantly turned pale. Wen Lishan, you think I can t do anything about these little tricks of yours.

It s not easy to ask, but if you don t ask, it will keep bothering me. I want to ask if it s love at first sight No Shi Xiaonian shook his head, holding the photo in his hand, Actually, on that cruise, did we Why, I didn t feel anything strange after that hour I originally thought maybe I was too busy at the time I was so busy that I ignored the strangeness Gong Ou s face turned green.

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Well, is Gong Ou okay Shi Xiaonian asked worriedly. If I don t feed him sleeping pills, something big will happen to him. When you faint, his whole body will be different, and his face will be as white as paper.

Shi Xiaonian opened her cell phone, which was almost out of battery, and tiptoed outside. She took a bundle of candles and walked up the stairs. Gong Ou was sitting on the other side of the hollow iron door, drinking the soup she had made.

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He is tired of it. Then I have nothing to say. How long have we been Feiyan Chen had nothing to say. Do you want her to say that men are all the same as birds and dogs can t change Are you eating shit That was Sheng Jianian.

Two years ago, that woman could suddenly appear at Sheng Jianian s house. Two years later, that woman still has the same name.

It s a gentleman s agreement. Of course, if you don t have any problems in the future, everyone will be happy, and we are all happy to see it happen.

Shi Xiaonian thought of something, stood up and chased to the door, Brother. When Gong Yu turned around, Shi Xiaonian was standing at the door wearing a white dress, with long hair hanging softly on her shoulders, and a small and fair face.

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Feiyan Chen shook her head gently, No, how can this be done In my heart, he is already an unforgivable person, he is an unforgivable evil person, why, why are you telling me now that he is not that bad Jiang Xi can somewhat understand Chen Feiyan s emotions that are on the verge of collapse.

She responded to his kiss, kissing her passionately. Suddenly Gong Ou left her lips and cursed in a hoarse voice, Fuck Drink poison to quench your thirst No more kisses What Shi Xiaonian looked at his handsome face blankly.

He will definitely have a good sleep tonight. It is really not easy to see Li Fuzhou being controlled by a woman in his lifetime.

I couldn t make it up until I admitted that I was looking for you. You just asked you, and you refused to admit that the woman went to your house, and you refused to admit that you met her.

You treat your brother in law as your father. Jiang Xi raised his eyes, Why do you say that Sheng Jianian also looked confused and looked at her seriously.

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But she couldn t believe that Luo Lie would betray them. What is going on Shi Xiaonian looked at Luo Lie, frowned, and asked, Doctor Luo, don t you want to say anything Luo Lie sat there without raising his eyes, as if he couldn t hear her question.

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The bookshelf was also in a mess, and many books were scattered there. It looked like they had been thrown down. Don t you care about books so much Did these books provoke him Shi Xiaonian walked over, bent down to pick up a few books from the ground and folded them.

A bit of living proof that he is more dead than the woman in the crystal. Shi Xiaonian couldn t imagine what Feng De was thinking at this moment, but she was afraid that he wouldn t be able to survive.

Spit on her. Shi Xiaonian got out of the way in time, Who Sells Cbd Oil In Germantown Md looked down at the torn drawing papers on the quilt, and said, Bob, remember, if a person lives alone, it is because he is unwilling to embrace the world.

They looked quietly for a while, but there was no one there. Your fourth uncle s child is over nine years old.

She turned to look down at the dim light, picked up a candle from the stairs and said, Miss Su hasn t been back for so long. Let me go and have a look. Don t go Gong Ou stretched out his hand and grabbed it domineeringly.

Gong Ou s voice quality was completely inaudible. His original character, he was obviously prepared to fake it to the end. Because you were sorry to her once, she started to show off her power by riding on your head Luo Lie asked coldly.

The old lady thought for a while, Yes, you should listen to Jiannian. But Jiannian does not accept this child.

She used to be too stupid, not wanting anything, not wanting anything, but now Jiang Xi shook her head vigorously, sadly washing away these messy thoughts quickly.

Bob sat on the hospital bed and suddenly raised his face to look at them, his eyes full of fright. The next second, he suddenly lifted up the quilt and crawled in like a puppy, trying to hide himself. stand up Shi Xiaonian frowned. The longer she spent with Bob, the more she knew how sensitive this child was. In fact, he already knew right from wrong. He knew that being discharged from the hospital meant returning to the orphanage.

Boss Liang turns out to be four this year. Ten years old Jiang Xi frowned tightly and looked at Sheng Jianian Is this a big problem Sheng cbd gummies elm grove wv Jianian looked at her with deep eyes.

Okay, Mom, what are you going to do The child belongs to the Sheng family and will stay in the Sheng family.

Mother Su Yaoyao raised her hand and held it Angelina still didn t speak, just looked at her. Su Yaoyao s face was a little disappointed. Feng De comforted her, Take your time, don t be in a hurry, she will recognize you.

He stared at her and said, Sometimes Xiao Nian s life is what I, Gong Ou, like the most His voice was extremely sexy, and every word was engraved on his heart one stroke at a time Shi Xiaonian looked at him and suddenly understood what the old cbd gummies elm grove wv man Ling Feng said.

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Bar. Jiang s father hesitated to speak. This child has a rebellious character. If you say another word, she will feel that you look down on her and think badly of her.

In fact, I really shouldn t ask too much of you. You are marrying me, and I am marrying you.

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