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So that s it. Song Ziyu thought to himself, and it turned out to be similar to what he had guessed.

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Master, I wish you a happy engagement. Mr. Gong slowly leaned down in front of Shi Xiaonian, made an invitation, and stretched out his hand.

How could he ask her such a thing Are you happier following him than following me Gong Ou stared at her straightly, Answer me.

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Song Ziyu is on his way. Things started to get a little out of control.

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Father, let me go out Shi Xiaonian took the photo and opened the glass door.

Sure enough, engineers are the weirdest species in the universe Song Ziyu couldn t understand the drawings, but it didn t mean that he had nothing to do.

She had no voice, no expression, not even tears. She was like a cold corpse, horribly indifferent.

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Little thoughts. damn it. Mu Qianchu rushed to the car on the side, got into a car, stepped on the accelerator and chased after him without even fastening his seat belt.

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She was about to open her mouth to ask him something. Gong Ou sat opposite and stared at her and said, Are you wearing such a thick coat Shi Xiaonian lowered his eyes and looked at him.

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But they completely underestimated Song Ziyu s strength. Song Ziyu has surpassed ordinary people Ever since he evolved his abilities, Song Ziyu s body has been changing subtly.

Butler Feng, go ahead. Following Gong Ou, I don t worry about him. Gong Ou was hit so hard that she was worried about him. Feng De looked at her hesitantly, But Miss Xi, your injury Shi Xiaonian looked out anxiously and could no longer what is the viagra pill see Gong Ou.

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What about Miller Shi Xiaonian asked. Mu Qianchu observed Shi Xiaonian s expression, his eyes full of meaning, According to the rules, I have already executed him, along with his gang members.

The corners of her lips were always curved into a faint smile. With the help of Mu Qianchu, Shi Xiaonian held a funeral for Xu Bingxin.

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Mu Qianchu sat in his seat, holding the band aid on his hand, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Although his father was strict, he was really a very good man. Where is Gong Ou Your mother said that he is very nice.

A little bit better than you. After she finished speaking, she froze there.

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It is often seen at some banquets and is harmless. But obviously everyone underestimated Gong Ou s fighting power.

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Later, when I worked in your house, he mocked and insulted me at every turn, and robbed you again.

Yeah. Shi Xiaonian nodded. By the way, Xiaokui is celebrating her 100th anniversary. Why don t we take her to take her 100th anniversary photo Mu Qianchu suddenly suggested.

Although he was old, he could still see that he had a deep foundation in this simple movement.

Are you sure you can see the young master in this video Feng De couldn t help but ask when he saw Shi Xiaonian like this.

Song Ziyu unknowingly had murderous thoughts in his heart. This evil factor should not appear in the human world.

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After a calls b, b cannot call a. There was another loud roar in the audience.

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It s nothing serious. Just rest and rest. Don t worry. Thank you, Butler Feng, don t tell him that I asked this.

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Once the two old people lost everything and lost all hope, then they really wouldn t worry too much about Gong Ou s illness.

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Today, this is a paradise for zombies and a cemetery for the living.

We discovered something strange, the bodyguard said on the phone. What s the matter Mu Qianchu asked coldly.

Does he cook Does Gong Ou love her or her cooking skills He didn t care about switching brides because he was afraid that without her as a cook, he would starve to death.

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